Thursday, July 17, 2008

Thing 19 Beyond MySpace

Once again, never heard of Ning. Also, again, it was a cinch to sign up. I never took the time to look into all these social networks because I thought it would be complicated, and time consuming. I should have realized if kids can do it, I should be able also. I signed up with 23 Thingsters, and loaded some photos of my kids. I do not have a lot of photos on my computer to work with, so plan to add more later. I also added the badge to my MySpace. I also sent a comment to C. Toogood since we teach on the same campus. I found many ning sites to sign up with, but decided on the art educator site. There were also some others related to art, authors, & cooking, that I plan to look into further. This is a great site for those with special interests. I plan to tell my friends and family about it.

1 comment:

Wendy's Wanderings said...

MySpace can be time consuming, especially when you get into changing your background, adding graphics, and learning some of the html tricks. I can spend hours perfecting my pages.